Family Violence Branching Scenario

Family Violence Branching Scenario

I wanted to develop training that would require learners to think critically in a realistic family violence scenario when deciding how to best make use of the Victorian Government Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS).

Given how complex family violence is in reality, I felt it would not be enough to have learners complete a linear scenario that held no real repercussions for their decisions. I discovered Cathy Moore's Connect with Haji Kamal and used that as a basis of inspiration and sought regular feedback and input from subject matter experts to design and build a decision-based family violence branching scenario.

I used Adobe Photoshop and stock images to create each scene panel to tell the story and added depth to each character by recording and adding voices. The entire scenario, including a lot of branching logic and triggers, was made within Articulate Storyline 360.

The final product has been a huge success in training, receiving consistent praise from learners and the delivery team alike. My subject matter experts and stakeholders were similarly impressed by the decision-based scenario and regularly use it when demonstrating our training to external stakeholders working in the same field.  

While I am unable to share the final version online due to privacy, I hope the imagery that I am able to provide does the scenario justice!

Note: Names have either been changed or removed entirely from the screenshots below for privacy.  


Type: Complex Branching Scenario
Software Used: Articulate Storyline, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition

Asset References: Licensed Shutterstock Images, Unsplash
